Now updated with proper night lighting!
Edit 2: Now updated with fixed perBuilding values so the values shown on the building tab are PER TILE so they add up to the correct amount when multiplied by the 36 tiles it occupies. This is as perBuilding function would make this entire mega office only count towards ONE office/retail requirement for other buildings VS the 36 it would be if the 6x6 square was full of other 1x1 buildings.
Upgrades from mixed comm/office 8 story
3200 food
500 energy
1200 medium skilled workers
1800 highly skilled workers
1800 population points
15 happiness
48 offices
5 bank
40 retail
20 connectivity
5 education
Very hard to get this. You need a 6x6 zoned area [with roads around this to allow for zoning to grow] for this thickness to grow. All 36 zones need to be ready to upgrade to this before it can happen, then suddenly it happens :3
Edit 2: Now updated with fixed perBuilding values so the values shown on the building tab are PER TILE so they add up to the correct amount when multiplied by the 36 tiles it occupies. This is as perBuilding function would make this entire mega office only count towards ONE office/retail requirement for other buildings VS the 36 it would be if the 6x6 square was full of other 1x1 buildings.
Upgrades from mixed comm/office 8 story
3200 food
500 energy
1200 medium skilled workers
1800 highly skilled workers
1800 population points
15 happiness
48 offices
5 bank
40 retail
20 connectivity
5 education
Very hard to get this. You need a 6x6 zoned area [with roads around this to allow for zoning to grow] for this thickness to grow. All 36 zones need to be ready to upgrade to this before it can happen, then suddenly it happens :3