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  Fire department model set
Posted by: 滑稽长空 - 07-26-2022, 07:34 AM - Forum: Mods sharing - Replies (2)

Hello!Now I have finished all the first stage of this suit!. They only have their own images,. You can use these to write programs!

(07-26-2022, 07:34 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: 你好!现在我已经完成了这套西装的所有第一阶段!他们只有自己的形象,。您可以使用这些来编写程序!
  This is a very small fire station,. It can only provide basic services for the surrounding streets        
.zip   消防局 (Size: 9.18 KB / Downloads: 109)

(07-26-2022, 07:34 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: 你好!现在我已经完成了这套Architecture的所有第一阶段!他们只有自己的形象,您可以使用这些来编写程序!

(07-26-2022, 07:34 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: 你好!我完成了现在所有这些系列的第一阶段!他们只有自己的宣传片,您可以使用来编写程序!

 A basic fire station.ou should build more,In this way, people will be happy        
.zip   中型消防站 (Size: 21.68 KB / Downloads: 92)

(07-26-2022, 07:34 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: 你好!现在我已经完成了这套西装的所有第一阶段!他们只有自己的形象,。您可以使用这些来编写程序!

(07-26-2022, 07:34 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: 你好!我完成了现在所有这些系列的第一阶段!他们只有自己的宣传片,您可以使用来编写程序!

(07-26-2022, 07:34 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: 你好!这些我已经完成了整个建筑的所有第一阶段!他们只有自己的形象,您可以使用来编写程序!

(07-26-2022, 07:34 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: 你好!我现在完成了所有这些系列的第一阶段!他们只有自己的宣传片,您可以使用来编写程序!

  This is a fire headquarters Um,  He can command firefighters in the whole city to carry out tasks! It can also deal with some serious disasters, Enjoy it!        
.zip   消防站大 (Size: 73.56 KB / Downloads: 102)
(. The area of this building is very large!. His original volume is 3MB!)

(07-26-2022, 07:34 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: 你好!现在我已经完成了这套西装的所有第一阶段!他们只有自己的形象,。您可以使用这些来编写程序!

(07-26-2022, 07:34 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: 你好!我完成了现在所有这些系列的第一阶段!他们只有自己的宣传片,您可以使用来编写程序!

(07-26-2022, 07:34 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: 你好!这些我已经完成了整个建筑的所有第一阶段!他们只有自己的形象,您可以使用来编写程序!

(07-26-2022, 07:34 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: 你好!我现在完成了所有这些系列的第一阶段!他们只有自己的宣传片,您可以使用来编写程序!


(07-26-2022, 07:34 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: 你好!我完成了现在所有这些系列的第一阶段!他们只有自己的宣传片,您可以使用来编写程序!

(07-26-2022, 07:34 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: 你好!我现在完成了所有这些系列的第一阶段!他们只有自己的宣传片,您可以使用来编写程序!

(07-26-2022, 07:34 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: 你好!这些我已经完成了整个建筑的所有第一阶段!他们只有自己的形象,您可以使用来编写程序!

(07-26-2022, 07:34 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: 你好!我现在完成了所有这些系列的第一阶段!他们只有自己的宣传片,你可以用来写程序!

  这是消防指挥部 嗯,他可以指挥全市的消防员执行任务!它也可以应对一些严重的灾难,享受吧!

I'm making a new suit, There should be more!. For example, fire truck garage, The fire helicopter stops at the airport, Please wait

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  Sequel to the fire station
Posted by: 滑稽长空 - 07-26-2022, 01:58 AM - Forum: Mods sharing - No Replies

[附件=40][附件=41] 这是我最新的插件,当然他没有代码。虽然我做了这个模型,你可以用这些来制作你自己的插件,当然,最好是免费的!我稍后会上传这个插件!

(07-26-2022, 01:58 AM)滑稽长空 Wrote: [附件=40][附件=41] 这是我最新的插件,当然他没有。虽然我做了这个模型,你可以用来制作自己的插件,当然,最好是免费的!之后会上传这个插件!

[附件=42]??.Thanks for downloading!

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.zip   中型消防站 (Size: 21.68 KB / Downloads: 43)
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  Fantastic Mod Making Guide by Worive
Posted by: Danza - 07-25-2022, 05:02 PM - Forum: Discussion - Replies (3)

Here it is!

They're looking for feedback and suggestions so come join us on the modding discussion of the Urbek discord Smile

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  Small fire station plugin
Posted by: 滑稽长空 - 07-25-2022, 02:38 PM - Forum: Mods sharing - Replies (2)

[附件=34] 大家好,我在空闲时间做了一个插件,文章中标注了他的图片,我会尽快发布他们的文档,您可以免费使用,无需付费!

(07-25-2022, 02:38 PM)滑稽长空 Wrote: [3] 大家好,我在文章中使用了4个插件,中标注了他的图片我会立即发布他们的免费附件,单独付费!

[附件=35] ??. This is my plugin, But he only has models( Because I can't write code)  Because of the website, I have to convert my files into compressed packages, So you have to decompress it before using it, It will be very simple!
(English is not my original language,I'm learning from it.So there are some sentences you can't understand,please tell me!

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.zip   消防局 (Size: 9.18 KB / Downloads: 62)
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  Parking lots mod
Posted by: Nikitaaa317 - 07-25-2022, 11:40 AM - Forum: Mods sharing - Replies (1)

Beta version of the mod

This mod adds parking tiles, from which, in fact, you can make large parking lots for your citizens. In addition, one 2x2 park was added to the mod.
  Each parking tile costs 10 unskilled work and consumes 2 more.  To unlock these tiles, you need to have 6000 people.

  The mod is still raw, there is no lighting in it, and the code is not yet fully completed. If anyone knows, then tell me how to make parking tiles give 1 transport infrastructure.
  That's all at the moment, I'm waiting for suggestions on this mod. Wink 

If you are enjoying the creations of our group UAA we are grateful and your download is already enough, but know that from now on, if you wish to support and motivate even more future projects and mods, donations are possible! via link :

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.zip (Size: 318.13 KB / Downloads: 263)
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  Haussmann Buildings
Posted by: Druss - 07-24-2022, 03:03 PM - Forum: Mods sharing - Replies (1)

Haussmann Buildings

Specifics :

Upgrades from Downtown 2-storey house

- Requires :

90 food
30 energy

- Provides:

20 low skilled workers
40 medium skilled workers
60 in population
3 in happiness

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.zip (Size: 456.99 KB / Downloads: 301)
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  Translation of the categories
Posted by: Kadele - 07-24-2022, 12:49 PM - Forum: Help - Replies (4)

Could someone please translate the ingame categories? So far, there are:
  * streets = camino\\
  * houses = ??? \\
  * farms = ???\\
  * orientation points= ciudad\\
  * school = ???\\
  * industry = industrias\\
  * advanced industries = industrias2 \\
  * parks = parques\\
  * nihgtlife =???\\
  * culture = ???\\
  * sports = deporte\\
  * religion = ???\\

Is there a way to add new caregories, e.g. harbor, trains,...?

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  Mega Offices
Posted by: Danza - 07-23-2022, 09:11 PM - Forum: Mods sharing - Replies (5)

Now updated with proper night lighting! 
Edit 2: Now updated with fixed perBuilding values so the values shown on the building tab are PER TILE so they add up to the correct amount when multiplied by the 36 tiles it occupies. This is as perBuilding function would make this entire mega office only count towards ONE office/retail requirement for other buildings VS the 36 it would be if the 6x6 square was full of other 1x1 buildings.



Upgrades from mixed comm/office 8 story 
3200 food
500 energy


1200 medium skilled workers
1800 highly skilled workers

1800 population points
15 happiness
48 offices
5 bank
40 retail
20 connectivity
5 education

Very hard to get this. You need a 6x6 zoned area [with roads around this to allow for zoning to grow] for this thickness to grow. All 36 zones need to be ready to upgrade to this before it can happen, then suddenly it happens :3

[Image: yJD2Dne.jpg]

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.zip (Size: 2.43 MB / Downloads: 495)
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  Question to the Dev: House max space?
Posted by: Danza - 07-23-2022, 06:11 PM - Forum: Help - Replies (1)

Are residential houses larger than 3x3 possible? I'm trying to mod a 4x4 large mixed home/office that upgrades from 8 story mixed "Edificio8" [this name doesn't seem to work though for upgrade/building referencing?]

The building I've made is 160x160 voxels and is 4x4 squares in size, intended for larger city blocks [as we can go up to 6x6 technically with the road spacing] however when it's ready to upgrade, it refuses to show upgrade requirements and is ignored entirely by the upgrade system.

When clicking the "OfficeSquare" in the upgrade list it just shows a large orange square on the map.

Included my Newbuildings.txt with the temporary  "updatesFrom": ["ciudad,first"],   as Edificio8 doesn't seem to reference anything

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.txt   newBuildings_OfficeSquare.txt (Size: 1.63 KB / Downloads: 7)
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  Exceeding MagicaVoxel 256 limit?
Posted by: Danza - 07-23-2022, 10:37 AM - Forum: Help - Replies (1)

Quick question: Wanted to make a skyscraper so I followed steps from youtube videos to go beyond the 256 limit [which is only 6.4 game squares high] and it exported it as two SEPERATE objects. I saw some mods that exceed this but are able to keep the exported object as a single .obj file?

I can't make the building load in the game without a crash when I'm referencing two object files for one building.

Unless I need another program to merge them together maybe?

I tried the Boolean union function in MagicaVoxel and that just merged them into eachother it seems!

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